Frequently Asked Questions

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What is specialty coffee?

Specialty coffee refers to the highest quality coffee available, made from premium beans sourced from specific regions known for their quality and flavour profiles. The Specialty Coffee Association determines the characteristics required to achieve specialty coffee status, describing how each stage of the process from coffee farmer through to the roaster and ultimately the consumer, each plays a part in creating that delicious cup of coffee. At Firebird Coffee, we meticulously select and roast our beans to ensure you experience the unique characteristics of each specialty coffee we offer. We also usually do light or medium roasts to bring out the best flavour profiles possible from the coffee beans.

How are your coffee beans freshly roasted?

Our coffee beans are freshly roasted in small batches to ensure the highest of quality and freshness when you receive them. We roast several times each week to make sure that the coffee you order is 100% freshly roasted to bring out the unique flavours and aromas of each bean. Each bag of specialty coffee you buy will have a roast date on the label and we recommend that you let the beans rest for about 5 days after roasting to let the flavours develop. Can’t wait? That’s ok. You’ll probably notice that the flavours change with each day that you brew your coffee.

What makes freshly roasted coffee beans better?

Freshly roasted coffee beans offer a richer and more vibrant flavour profile compared to beans that have been roasted and stored on the supermarket shelves for a long time. The freshness enhances the natural flavours and aromas of the beans, providing a more enjoyable and nuanced coffee experience. When coffee is roasted, carbon dioxide builds up in the beans and is slowly released over time. Coffee that has been sitting too long in a bag will slowly oxidise and begin to lose some of its flavour profile. We recommend that coffee is at its best in the first month after roasting.

How do you source your specialty coffee beans?

We source our specialty coffee beans from green coffee importers like Falcon Coffees, who believe that high quality specialty coffee and responsible social and environmental stewardship go hand in hand. They source their coffees from farms and cooperatives around the world, focusing on sustainable and ethical practices and ensuring that both vulnerable communities and fragile ecosystems are protected. In the future we hope to expand our specialty coffee offering by sourcing directly from farmers and cooperatives that align with Firebird Coffee’s social and environmental mission.

Can I taste the difference with specialty coffee?

Absolutely! Specialty coffee stands out due to its distinct taste profiles that vary from region to region. You might notice notes of chocolate, fruit, spices, or flowers, depending on the beans' origin, processing method, androasting technique. We invite you to explore our range and taste the difference for yourself.

How should I store my freshly roasted coffee beans to maintain their freshness?

All our freshly roasted coffees come in resealable bags to protect them from losing their freshness. If you want to further preserve the freshness of your specialty coffee beans, store them in an airtight container away from direct sunlight and moisture. Avoid storing them in the fridge or freezer, as this can introduce moisture and odours that may affect the beans' flavour.

Do you offer any guidance on brewing the perfect cup of specialty coffee at home?

Yes, we do! Check out our brewing guides and tips on our website and social media pages. Whether you prefer a pour-over, French press, espresso, or another method, we provide detailed instructions on how to help you brew the perfect cup of Firebird Coffee at home. You can also find product reviews for coffee makers we recommend.

Are your freshly roasted coffee beans suitable for all types of coffee makers?

Our freshly roasted coffee beans can be ground to suit any type of coffee maker, from espresso machines to drip coffee makers and everything in between. Our recommendation is that you should consider buying whole bean and grinding at home as this ensures that you get the freshest coffee possible. If you need advice on the best grind size for your brewing method, don't hesitate to contact us.

How often do you introduce new coffee varieties?

We regularly explore and introduce new specialty coffee varieties to our selection. Follow us on social media or sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on our latest offerings and seasonal specials.

Can I visit your roastery to learn more about specialty coffee?

While we primarily focus on roasting and online sales, we occasionally open our roastery for tours and tastings. Keep an eye on our website or contact us for more information on upcoming events and opportunities to learn more about specialty coffee and our roasting process.

Why are you called Firebird Coffee?

Phoenix is often referred to as a "firebird", a legendary bird that is connected to fire and rebirth in many different mythologies and folktales. It is renowned for its capacity to withstand flames before rising from its own ashes, serving as a metaphor for rebirth, resilience, and rejuvenation. We chose this name to reflect our commitment to bringing exceptional, transformative coffee experiences to our customers and to supporting coffee communities to recover from conflict, war and environmental disasters. Our roasting process, akin to the Firebird's renewal through fire, transforms raw, green coffee beans into vibrant, flavourful, freshly roasted coffee beans. This name embodies our passion for excellence, our dedication to quality and our desire to support smallholder, specialty coffee farmers to create sustainable businesses that support their families and communities in rebuilding their lives after conflict. Every bag of freshly roasted coffee you buy contributes to that mission.

How are your beans ethical?

At Firebird Coffee, our commitment to ethical sourcing is at the core of our business practices. We believe in supporting a sustainable coffee industry that benefits everyone involved - from the farmers to you, the customer. Here’s how we ensure our beans are ethical:

Ethical sourcing: We work with green coffee importers with a strategic focus on developing responsibly sourced supply chains where the coffee is grown to its point of final delivery. At the core, they economically empower smallholder farmers in coffee growing countries through training and market access, improving the quality of their lives and strengthening their ability to make decisions about their own future.

We also deliberately choose to source our coffees from regions that have been, or continue to be, affected by conflict, terrorism and criminality such as the illicit crop trade. This can lead to local economic distortions and legal crop substitutions, and coffee producers often struggle to survive in the legal industry. By partnering with these producer groups, our green coffee importers provide the technical support needed to allow farmers to increase the quality, volume, and value of their crops through skill development and improved supply chain access, ultimately providing a valuable and reliable source of non-illicit income. They also crucially connect rural and smallholder farming communities with the urban, digitally-driven markets. In communities that have recently or even historically been affected by conflict, this can provide an opportunity for a better, more peaceful, future.

Environmental Stewardship: Recognising the impact of coffee production on the environment, we take steps to minimise our carbon footprint. This includes using eco-friendly packaging, optimising our roasting processes to reduce energy consumption and encouraging recycling and composting. Our green coffee importers also provide training to the smallholder farmers on best practices for sustainable farming. This includes methods that protect the environment, conserve water and reduce chemical use, ensuring the health of the land for future generations.

Transparency: We strive for transparency in our supply chain. We provide information about the origin of our beans, the people who grow them, and the practices they use. This transparency helps customers make informed choices and supports the broader movement towards ethical consumption.

By choosing Firebird Coffee, our customers are part of a community that supports ethical practices in the coffee industry, contributing to a better future for coffee growers and the planet.